Chinese Character 啊 Meanings and components.



啊 meaning[3] in English

Interjection Of Surprise.



Main Components

By analyzing its shape, the hanzi[2] character can be seen as a composition of 2 main characters.

啊 radical

Its radical[1] is: ()


In cangjie it is written with RNLR

Components Tree

The composition tree, or the characters that form each component of , looks as follow:

Pinyin:a5 Shape:
Meaning[3]: Interjection Of Surprise . Ah! . Oh!

Meaning[3]: Mouth . Classifier For Things With Mouths (People, Domestic Animals, Cannons, Wells Etc) . Classifier For Bites Or Mouthfuls

Pinyin:a1 Shape:
Meaning[3]: Abbr. For Afghanistan 阿富汗[A1 Fu4 Han4]

Pinyin:fu4 Shape:

Pinyin:ke3 Shape:
Meaning[3]: Can . May . Able To . To Approve . To Permit . To Suit . (Particle Used For Emphasis) Certainly . Very

Meaning[3]: Mouth . Classifier For Things With Mouths (People, Domestic Animals, Cannons, Wells Etc) . Classifier For Bites Or Mouthfuls

Pinyin:ding1 Shape:
Meaning[3]: Surname Ding

Meaning[3]: One . 1 . Single . A (Article) . As Soon As . Entire . Whole . All . Throughout . 'One' Radical In Chinese Characters (Kangxi Radical 1) . Also Pr. [Yao1] For Greater Clarity When Spelling Out Numbers Digit By Digit

Meaning[3]: 'Vertical Stroke With Hook' Radical In Chinese Characters (Kangxi Radical 6) . See Also 豎鉤|竖钩[Shu4 Gou1]


  • [1] A character's radical: section shǒuheader Radical

  • [2] Hanzi stands for: hànChinese Character