Chinese Character 出 Meanings and components.



出 meaning[3] in English

To Go Out.

To Come Out.

To Occur.

Main Components

By analyzing its shape, the hanzi[2] character can be seen as a composition of 2 main characters.

出 radical

Its radical[1] is: ()


In cangjie it is written with UU

Components Tree

The composition tree, or the characters that form each component of , looks as follow:

Pinyin:chu1 Shape:+
Meaning[3]: To Go Out . To Come Out . To Occur . To Produce . To Go Beyond . To Rise . To Put Forth . To Happen . (Used After A Verb To Indicate An Outward Direction Or A Positive Result) . Classifier For Dramas, Plays, Operas Etc

Meaning[3]: Plants Sprouting

Meaning[3]: Receptacle


  • [1] A character's radical: section shǒuheader Radical

  • [2] Hanzi stands for: hànChinese Character