Chinese Character 巴 Meanings and components.



巴 meaning[3] in English

Ba State During Zhou Dynasty (In East Of Modern Sichuan).

Abbr. For East Sichuan Or Chongqing.

Surname Ba.

Main Components

No more components can be identified in 巴

Its radical[1] is: (ji3) which means: Self, Oneself, Sixth Of The Ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[Shi2 Tian1 Gan1], Sixth In Order, Letter 'F' Or Roman 'Vi' In List 'A, B, C', Or 'I, Ii, Iii' Etc, Hexa, .ji3self

In cangjie it is written with AU

巴 Stroke Order

The order of the strokes to write 巴 should be followed in this specific way.

Components Tree

No components have been identified.


  • [1] A character's radical: section shǒuheader Radical

  • [2] Hanzi stands for: hànChinese Character

  • Wiktionary Page for 巴in English or Chinese